Creating A Culture (From Hero Maker)

May 17, 2023 | Category: Uncategorized

I have been reading the book “Hero Maker” by Dave Ferguson recently. This book mostly references discipleship; however, the chapter on creating a culture has (what I believe to be) helpful insight surrounding the worship culture of your church as well. 

Many of us want to “create a culture of worship” within our church, but we either don’t know what that even means or don’t know how to bring that vision to the people. Here are a few steps that I found helpful: 

(These are essentially quotes / references to the book. Parenthesis are my additions) – 

Declare it: Creating the culture starts with declaring it. There needs to be a pivotal moment.

(Many of us want to change the culture of our church, but we have yet to make that clear.)

Do it: After you declare it, the next step is to do it. Because many leaders in the church are also teachers, you will be tempted to teach it. Please resist. Before you teach it, you need to do it yourself. Culture is more caught than taught.
(This is 100% the case in our church. We started speaking on what worship actually was – declaring it. We started talking about glorifying God more intentionally… and then we just started thinning out and adding songs that fit that narrative.) 

Brand it: Once you declare it and do it, you may be thinking, “Okay now can I teach it?” Please hold off just a little longer. The next step is to brand it.

(In this context, we’d call this “finding your team’s sound… Start to develop what the song service and “worship ministry” looks like in your church’s context.) 

Teach it: Now you are ready to teach it. When teaching, be sure to appeal to the heart: what do they need to feel, the head: what do they need to know, and the hands: what do they need to do. 

(For more resources on this, reach out.. or see: ) 

Recognize it: “Catch people doing it right, and celebrate it.”

(Creating a culture means celebrating when you see it. Post pictures or videos of people worshiping on your social media. Encourage your team members who are genuinely engaging. Use the people who are truly *leading* in this way. The people you have leading our creating your culture…. So recognize and utilize the people who are creating the culture you *want*. 

Repeat it. The sixth step may be the hardest of them all, and that is to take a look at what you have done to create this culture, and keep repeating it. 

Institutionalize it. It’ll be hard to tell when a value has moved from being a good idea to being a part of your DNA…. But as it’s happening, you’ll see it. 

In the context of worship, my greatest goal (and measure of success) is when I see and hear our people living lives of worship. When people from our congregation are sharing deep Spiritual thoughts with one another, when they’re praying deep, sincere prayers for God’s glory not just God’s hand, when introverted, quiet people are raising hands in worship… 

This will not happen naturally, it will not happen without the work of God’s Spirit, and it will not happen without intentional leadership. 

Culture is being created all the time. You as the leader (by God’s grace and in the power of His Spirit, using His Word) get to determine what culture is being created, how it’s being created, and by whom. 

So be prayerful. Be intentional. And always be doing it.